How Does Your Garden Grow ?
That's the name of a new mystery sampler which is being offered by Papillon Creation It's coming in 13 parts and part 1 just come out. It's very pretty that took me away from my focus wip. You are free to choose the 6 floss colours and I thought what better opportunity to try out my floss from Vietnam. So after a week or so of stitching, part 1 is now done. There is still beads to go but I have no idea what colour I want to use. I think I will wait until more is done before deciding on the beads colour. I'm so happy with it and here are the photoes,
The first one is a scan of the project, but unfortunately the opalescent of the fabric is loss, so I took a picture with my camera for the second photo which is a bit darker. The scan one shows the colour of the floss better.
The floss actually didn't turn out so bad. It was suggested that they may be rayon floss. I have no idea about them. I have heard many unpleasant things about stitching with rayon and was a bit worry. But I had no trouble, it does behave different to cotton though. One things I wish also is the colour variation within the floss are a bit far apart hence make the flowers different. However you could say, that's a good point too. Anyhow thanks for looking.